Wednesday, August 29, 2007

on dreams

As you become weary, the reality around you completely shifts. The surrounding environment becomes fluid to the point where a single thought will alter the perception. There is not one theory to explain this phenomenon. Is it a sequence of random and meaningless hallucinations? Or is it a deeper part of reality that is making sacred attempts to communicate with humanity? Speculation is the only option when it comes to matters such as these. And whose opinion is to be valued more? There is not one person who is not convinced they are absolutely correct. Yet, that objective truth always seems to be shifting. It's obvious that in actuality it can't be objective at all. As some say, the truth cannot be uttered, for once it is spoken it is no longer the truth. Our descriptions and explanations can only distort the truth. The truth just is, and none of us can make any further assumption than that. Excess speculation is just that: excess, and perhaps unnecessary. Why then do we hold our knowledge so highly?

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