Friday, August 3, 2007

all is flux

Yesterday was the last day of summer camp, thus concluding another full-time job for a while. Working there was an experience at least and an opportunity for growth at most. Like any job, it had its moments of difficulty, but was unique such that the benefits of working there outweighed the drama. Every child (even the whiners!) was hilarious and precious in their own way. There is a reason why their parents love them dearly. Over the summer, I noticed an aspect to children that's paramount in the dichotomy between child and adult. It's actually quite simple. Children love to interact. They can talk to you for hours about complete non-sense. To them, the content of the conversation is not so much as important as the conversation itself. They only want to share their thoughts with anyone who is listening. We adults, however, are a little different. In the case of a new acquaintance (though there are some exceptions), we tend to keep to ourselves. Conversations are short-lived and remain on the surface. This is not necessarily a bad thing and may be part of the adult nature. It just makes talking to kids all the more worthwhile. They bring something to the table that adults no longer can: an innocent naivety of blessed youth.

So today marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

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