Wednesday, October 31, 2007

set apart

So I started my student teaching clinicals this week and I'm working with a class of 3rd graders. It's been a pretty positive experience so far and I'm liking it more than I thought I would. For awhile now, I've been set on teaching in the middle grades, probably 7th or 8th grade English and literature. But the young kids are so fun to work with and I'm glad to have such an opportunity. So far, I've only taught one reading lesson, but I'm slowly being integrated into the classroom and am looking forward to teaching the rest of the disciplines. It's one thing to be a student in a classroom; it's another thing entirely to be teaching a class.

Since today was Halloween, the schedule was a little different. But I'm glad it was. See, the teachers organized a collaborative reading activity for some of the 7th and 3rd graders. We all met in the library and the students broke up into small groups so the 7th graders could read Halloween stories to the younger kids. I can't even describe how fulfilling it was to watch all of this happen. The students were so involved with the stories and also with each other. It was apparent that every teacher monitoring the activity was completely filled There was something so profound about watching these students work together that every adult in that room recognized. It was incredible.

Every once in a while, we get a brief glimpse of how good life actually is.

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