Tuesday, July 24, 2007

the active spirit

Aaahhh...just finished up a nice little jam session with my buddy. It's always a thrill to find a musician who knows what they are doing. Just pick up a couple guitars and play from the heart. That's one thing I love about composing/playing music. Though it's not always like this, sometimes I just get lost in the music and can play for hours. There's something so beautiful about the process of creating. The mind ultimately plans and predicts the sound, while the fingers and vocal chords carry out the process. For me, it's spirituality at its best. I'm allowed to exhibit the senses in a way that's meaningful and entertaining. I'm amazed that humans are capable of producing something so incredible. Music has a way of speaking to us all.

What a great way to wrap up the evening.

1 comment:

ezekiel said...

makes me zealous of my piano days.

i should get back into that.

you're on a roll dude, lovin it