Saturday, July 7, 2007

the inspiration

It's only after years of reading a friend's blog that I finally decided to create my own. I believe my former roommate set one of these up for me in the past, though I never actually did anything with it. Amazing how the mind is constantly engaged in thought, yet it can draw a monotonous blank at any attempt to forego the mental into the physical. That is, recording thoughts onto paper can be extremely difficult. I once discussed this with a co-worker and he suggested that I simply write more often. This seems like an easy solution, yet I am still lacking that necessary drive. Perhaps this blog will give me the boost I am looking for.

Right about now you are probably thinking, what the hell is with the blog title? It's a slight modification of the novel by Milan Kundera, entitled The Unbearable Lightness of Being. I've never read it, nor do I plan on it any time soon. Regardless, the title seems to be notorious and I thought it fit to change the word lightness to heaviness. I hardly think that one can classify their existence as "light." Rather, it is a complete mystery to the human race, an enigma that no person has ever been able to grasp. It is the phenomenon that reminds us how weak our minds actually are no matter how intellectually strong we appear to be. As such, I deemed heavy to be a more suitable adjective in this particular phrase.

Til' next time,


ezekiel said...

the unbearable enigma of being

Evalinn said...

This will be interesting, I'll be back to read more :-)