Monday, July 23, 2007

today i felt like a person

Plain and simple. Woke up bright and early to a misty, cool morning. Drove to work listening to Wilco's latest compositions. No major problems at the camp, save a few cuts and bruises here and there. As usual, I had some good conversations with my co-worker, Sean. It's amazing how much we humans can learn from each other when we break out of our social-disabling shell. It would really be something if we could frequently practice openness and compassion towards everyone around. But who could possibly do that? After all, establishing some initial foundation of trust is probably necessary for most individuals. People don't tend to open up to others without getting to know them first. And this is perfectly reasonable. I doubt that a stranger is interested in my personal beliefs or experiences. As the reader, you may not even be interested in my rantings. So it's clear that an interest in one's life is preceded by the developing acquaintance between two persons. Unless, of course, the reader is a complete stranger. In that case, I am flattered.

Anyways, I drove home satisfied with the day's endeavors. I hope you folks can look back on the day and share my serenity.

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