Monday, July 9, 2007

let the sun beat down upon my face

There is only one word I can think of to describe today's endeavors: WARM. says it's 83 degrees but I believe it is feeding me lies. See, I work as a camp counselor and most of my days are spent out in the sun. It actually hasn't been too bad up until this week. The sun just seemed to permeate right through me today. But no matter how hot it was, I kept reminding myself that I wasn't hauling around a 30-pound backpack like I did last summer. My position as a counselor is certainly a step up from the old days of factory work and mosquito abatement. And I am most grateful to have such a position. Though, I've found that no matter what job I have, the work is accompanied by subtle feelings of gratification. Even when things are rough, I find more fulfillment in labor than in its antithesis. Unemployment tends to make us feel useless on a number of levels. I think this partially comes from our drive to succeed, though we often mistake this drive with our love of money. Of course, the paycheck at the end of the week or month is inspiration unto itself, but perhaps there's something further we should be taking away from our jobs. I suppose this would differ in accordance with every individual, but I encourage readers to go into work with anticipation rather than apathy. There's always something to learn, whether it be from the labor or the surrounding people.

1 comment:

ezekiel said...

it's always gratifying to get a project done at work, recieving the feedback is even more gratifying